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David Wells

Designer:David Wells
Award Winning Games:Auswahlliste 'Spiel des Jahres' (Selection List for Game of the Year)Galaxis (1980)
Biography:                    development of a game in childhood
                    junior chess champion
                    strongest go player of England
                    scholarship for a mathematics study at the Cambridge University
                    teacher for mathematics
                    editor for puzzles of the magazine "Games & Puzzles"
1980 "Galaxis" on the selection list of "Spiel des Jahres"

Published games

Galaxis1980RavensburgerDavid WellsBoard JurySdJ (DE), Spielphase (DE)DM 120.0018.11.14 
Guerilla1976ArielDavid WellsBoard   03.11.13 

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